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    Guidelines for the Prevention of Sexual and Gender-based Harassment within the Judicial Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina


    At the session held on 11th February 2015, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH (HJPC BiH) adopted the Guidelines for the Prevention of Sexual and Gender-based Harassment within the Judicial Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The Guidelines are result of several months of work by a panel of judicial experts from across Bosnia and Herzegovina who took into account the best international practices for treating of this issue.

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    Guidelines for the Prevention of Sexual and Gender-based Harassment within the Judicial Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina


    At the session held on 11th February 2015, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH (HJPC BiH) adopted the Guidelines for the Prevention of Sexual and Gender-based Harassment within the Judicial Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The Guidelines are result of several months of work by a panel of judicial experts from across Bosnia and Herzegovina who took into account the best international practices for treating of this issue.